Sunday, September 19, 2010

My room

My paintings tend to be in pairs. Sun and moon, male and female, day and night.

Let's go higher

Image of Kundalini energy moving up to break through solar plexus chakra

Power of Love

I painted this for my friend who asked me to paint something to give her healing energy. A month after she asked, I received a vison of this painting without color. This is my interpretation of energy of love which is so colorful and powerfull, it's everywhere inside and outside you and in everyone and in everything. Open your heart chakra to see it, feel it and be it.

Wish Granting Jewel - Green Mandala

I have been painting this green mandala for more than 6 years. In the beginning I had no clue what it was, I was just trying to see if I could reproduce what I saw in my vision. Now I know what this is. The process of painting this is my way of meditation which allows me to find out about my self, my karma, my purpose, my soul, my guide, my god.

To be Inspired, Motivated and Accepted

"Bliss of Thousand Petal"
According to Kundalini yoga, when kundalini shakti energy in the base chakra is awakened, it rises up through all chakras and reaches the crown chakra and opens its thousand petals. When the crown chakra is fully opened, Shakti is united with Siva and produces endless bliss. I painted this in the hope to see the divine energy of our universe.

"Sun - Male Energy"
Dynamic driving energy, motivating force. I am working on second version of this painting with clockwise spiral.

"Moon - Female Energy"
I wanted this to be a calming and healing thing to look at because I got dizzy all the time when I was painting the sun. None of us can keep moving forward without resting. When you are exhausted, we need to take a rest, be accepted, protected, understood and healed so that we can move on to the next stage.

Experience of Life in Time and Space

After I painted the above three, I felt like painting something spontaneous. In front of a blank canvas, I felt like a soul jumping into this world of matter, time and space to experience the colorful emotions. Around the time I finished two third, I painted the outer circle and painted the outside black to indicate the end of life is coming, so that I paint the rest with a clear purpose and intention.